samedi 25 juillet 2020

Coronavirus continues to destroy the United States

         Coronavirus continues to destroy the                                      United States 

Coronavirus. "Crisis of confidence" between the world and the us!

With the ongoing coronavirus in the United States, the epidemiological situation continued to worsen, and the number of confirmed cases exceeded 4 million. Less than half a year after the first cases were recorded in the United States, the situation is now the same. The epidemic is no longer out of control in the United States, but out of control worldwide.

The failure of the United States to fight the pandemic has shocked the world

At the beginning of last march, researchers from Hopkins university assessed preventive actions in 195 countries around the world, with the United States ranked first by 83.5 degrees. But the epidemiological situation in the us has become one of the worst in the world. Why did such a big difference happen within a few months?

Experts have repeatedly pointed out that although the epidemic has had many negative repercussions on the economies of all countries, how to balance "keeping the economy" with "preventive measures against the epidemic" is a test of the wisdom and responsibility of governments and states. The biggest mistake the United States made was forcing the government to restart the economy when the epidemiological situation had not improved, making it even more so.

As for some basic prevention measures, such as wearing masks and maintaining social distance, us politicians have not been role models and this has also had a negative impact on American citizens, especially young americans. To date, the United States federal government has not made decisions requiring citizens to wear masks.

The neglect and indifference of American politicians eventually angered the most prominent American media. The Washington post recently published an article that many countries had taken control of the epidemic within a few months of the fight, but the epidemiological situation in the United States had spun out of control and all states had become fragmented in the face of the epidemic, fuelling hatred and division. The article stated that the United States government had shown a significant failure in the face of the epidemic.

An epidemic out of control in the United States threatens the global economy

According to us department of commerce data, GDP fell at an annual rate of 5% in the first quarter of the year, and some economists expect to see a larger decline in the second quarter, ranging from 30% to 40%.

Reuters published a report that the decline in us imports and the divestment of foreign companies had had a significant impact on the economies of many countries, and that current White House policies could have a negative impact on the global economy.

"The American economy is an important engine of the world economy," said jiang yoo chun, analyst of the China institute of international studies. The situation in the us has a direct bearing on the overall state of the world economy. For now, we can see that America's economic situation in the second quarter is very bad. If the main engine -- the United States is unfavourable, its negative impact on the global economy will be very large."

The United States is losing ground globally.
Despite being one of the world's superpowers, the United States not only failed to lead an international coalition against the epidemic, but continued to blame others for its failure to fight the epidemic and chose to be absent or even to escape the global crisis.

A number of major media outlets in Britain and the United States have recently published reports and articles. The us is losing ground globally, and the world is no longer expecting what it is doing or helping with.

Recently, the American magazine foreign policy published an article saying that trump has withdrawn from many international treaties and conventions and has followed the slogan "America first" since taking office, causing unprecedented damage to the coalition system and conventions that it took the us decades to establish in less than four years. Under his leadership, the United States lost its global stature, and trump's decision to withdraw from the world health organization (who) was condemned by many parties, including us Allies, at a critical time in the global fight against the pandemic.

Commenting on this, German foreign minister haiko mass described the us decision to withdraw from the world health organization as something akin to "flying out of the plane," a highly irresponsible decision.

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