vendredi 7 août 2020

Ammonium nitrate

 What ammonium nitrate caused the Beirut explosion

After the horrific explosion that rocked the Lebanese capital beirut on Tuesday, killing and injuring hundreds, and the statement by the Lebanese authorities that the cause of the explosion was due to ammonium nitrate, which had been stored in the port of Beirut for years, questions abounded about the nature and uses of this substance:

What is ammonium nitrate?

Ammonium nitrate is a white, odorless granule such as salt, which is made at low cost by mixing ammonia and nitric acid, an industrial chemical that is medium-explosive, four times stronger than gunpowder, while TNT outperforms it in blast force

What are their uses?

Ammonium nitrate is widely used in the fertilizer industry, as it is a nitrogen-rich source of the plant. Ammonium nitrate is also involved in the manufacture of explosives, particularly in mining and mining

How dangerous is it?

Ammonium nitrate per se is not dangerous, according to the German website It depends on the storage method and the safety standards adopted. According to germany's WD channel, ammonium nitrate becomes explosive if large quantities are stored near each other. In this case, ammonium nitrate heats up, ignites if the stored quantity is too large, and then reacts with oxygen that increases its ignition power

Why does ammonium nitrate explode?

After it ignites, ammonium nitrate begins to melt, and a solid layer forms around it while the material continues to burn inside this layer, similar to the eruption of the volcano, where the gases formed from the combustion of the material press the solid outer layer until it explodes. The Guardian also reports that sodium nitrate may also ignite if mixed with other substances such as oil

What are the consequences of the ammonium nitrate explosion

The Guardian reports that the chemicals from the explosion dissipate quickly in the atmosphere, but some pollutants may still exist, such as nitrogen oxide, causing a red cloud over the blast site. According to the site, these pollutants may cause problems later on, such as acid rain that harms the environment

What are the safety standards

Ammonium nitrate is classified as flammable, so many countries follow strict safety measures in their storage and use according to the German website Shimi. This is because terrorist groups use this substance for easy manufacture and acquisition at a relatively low price

Was ammonium nitrate used in terrorist bombings

nitrate has been used in several terrorist bombings before, and the SECRET IRA detonated several ammonium nitrate bombs as a primary component, the first in April 1992

A year later, secret IRA agents used ammonium nitrate to detonate a bomb in London in April 1993

In 1995, Timothy McVeigh blew up a car loaded with ammonium nitrate in front of a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people

In 2011, Norwegian Anders Breivik used the same method to carry out a bombing in Oslo

Terrorist groups in Iraq also used ammonium nitrate in several bombings

lundi 3 août 2020

A very moving story

       A very moving story

It is said that a man was walking in the jungles of Africa where the picturesque nature and where the tall trees grow, by virtue of their location in the equator and enjoyed the view of the trees as they obscured the sun's intensity of intensity, enjoyed the tweeting of birds and inhaled the aroma of flowers that produce the good smells

As he enjoyed those scenes he heard the sound of a fast enemy and the sound increased and clearand the man turned back and if he sees a huge lion the body springed at a fictional speed towards him, and from the intensity of hunger that the lion suffered that his waist is clearly destroyed. The man took running quickly and the lion behind him and when the lion took approaching him saw the man an old well, the man jumped a strong jump, so he jumped in the well and grabbed the rope of the well that pulls water and took the man swinging inside the well and when he took his breath and calmed down his horror and inhabited the roar of the lion and if he hears the sound of a snake huge head wide length in the hollow of the well and while he thinks of a way to get rid of the lion and snake if with two black mice and the other white climb to the top of the rope , And starting with the loan of the rope and the man panics and started shaking the rope with his hands in order to go the two mice, and began to increase the process of shaking until he became swinging right and north inside the well and began to shock the sides of the well, and while he collided feel something wet and sticky hit with his elbow and if that thing honey bees build their houses in the mountains and trees as well as in the caves, so the man tasted it and took a lick and repeated it and the severity of the sweetness of honey forgot the position that he is in And all of a sudden, the guy woke up, it was a bad dream.  

Ammonium nitrate

  What ammonium nitrate caused the Beirut explosion After the horrific explosion that rocked the Lebanese capital beirut on Tuesday, killing...